Odense’s elite hepatology centre dedicated to clinical and translational liver research
Odense Universitetshospital
Kløvervænget 10
5000 Odense C

Team Leader

Prof. Aleksander Krag (MD, PhD)
Head of Hepatology Department
Phone: +45 214 099 15
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Team Members

Louise Skovborg Just
Research Manager
Phone: +45 292 413 68
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Mads Israelsen (MD, PhD)
Phone: +45 206 810 60
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Katrine Holtz Thorhauge (MD)
PhD Student
Phone: +45 219 220 12
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Institute Presentation

The FLASH-Centre for Liver Research is an elite liver research centre in Odense, dedicated to clinical and translational research in fatty liver disease and steatohepatitis. The centre was established in 2013 by Professor Aleksander Krag and includes currently more than 15 researchers as well as managerial support and a dedicated group of project nurses. The centre is based at Odense University Hospital which is a 1,200 bed teaching hospital with 10,000 employees and a medical school associated with University of Southern Denmark. The overall goal of FLASH is to develop effective non-invasive diagnostic tools of liver disease, improve prognostic knowledge about fibrosis, fatty liver and steatohepatitis as well as increase the scarce treatment options. As an integrated part of both the Department of Gastroenterology at Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark, the centre has a strong research infrastructure including state of the art imaging technology, advanced biobank facilities, personnel, equipment and space to run complex and large human studies. The centre coordinates and participates in a number of national and international research projects focusing on alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. At present, the centre has 15 active clinical trials and annually screens >1500 patients for inclusion, includes 700 patients and performs >150 percutaneous and transjugular liver biopsies, in addition to liver vein catheterisations and endoscopies. FLASH is also the coordinating institution of the Horizon 2020 project GALAXY .

In MICROB-PREDICT, FLASH is the leader of work package 7 (WP7), namely the clinical validation of signature guided interventions (ALB-TRIAL), and is responsible for the task of recalling 400 patients from the GALAXY project for a second assessment.